Perfect your push-ups!
Push ups - they’re an efficient way to work your chest, arms and core with no equipment. The problem is, there are a lot of ways to do them incorrectly and many potential pit-falls.
If you do a push up with poor form, you’re missing out on the benefits of the exercise and putting yourself at risk of injury.
Here are three simple tips on how to keep push ups as healthy and effective as possible!
#1. Tuck your chin
The most common compensation in the push-up is looking up. This will throw the entire spine out of alignment, and likely lead to further dysfunction lower in the spine. Keeping chin tucked to chest will ensure a neutral cervical spine, and set the rest of the body up for success!
#2. Squeeze your butt
If hips are dipping towards the floor or there is an arch in the low back, your glutes are not engaged. Hips should be in line with the rest of the spine and butt muscles squeezed. This protects the low back and in turn produces more power from the push up.
3. Keep abs engaged
This is especially important as you push up from the floor. Exhale and draw your navel to spine as you press the floor away. Practicing core bracing and coordinated breathing will help protect posture and improve range of motion. The more you practice tight abs during push ups, the deeper you can go.
These three tips are the key to proper push-ups. They may require you to slow down the tempo of your reps for now, but that’s how you get stronger!