Make Your Own Protein Bars!

Most granola bars, protein bars and power bars are packed with a long list of ingredients and usually sweetened with sugar. There’s a simpler and healthier way- make your own! It's super simple, takes just a few minutes and can be done with ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen.


All you need:

3-4 Ripe Bananas

½ cup Peanut Butter (or another nut butter you prefer)

¾ cup Oats

½ cup Chopped Walnuts (or another nut you prefer)


First preheat the oven to 400 degrees. 

Next, mash bananas with a fork in a medium mixing bowl, then stir in peanut butter and oats.


Finally, spread mixture evenly in a baking pan lined with wax paper or generously greased. 

Top the batter with chopped nuts, creating an even layer.

Bake for 15 minutes.

Let rest for at least 10 minutes before removing from the pan and slicing to desired size. 

Store bars in a tupperware or other sealed container and enjoy for 5-7 days!

No more guessing what you’re eating or reading labels- these bars are clean and delicious!


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