Feeling Stiff? - 3 Simple Keys to Spine Mobility


Did you know that your vertebrae and spinal joints are specifically designed for flexion, extension and rotation? The spine is meant to arch, round and rotate! When ignored, these joints can become stiff and immobile. This can be due to prolonged sitting, working at a computer or overuse of a repeated movement pattern, such as sleeping in a certain position or looking down at your phone. 

To guide the spine back towards healthy mobility, we must focus on three types of movement: extension, flexion and rotation. Extension lengthens the joints and you arch the back, flexion is bending the spine forward and rotation is twisting the spine right to left.



Back extension exersises must be done with a tight core. As seen in the photo- a cobra stretch is a great way to increase mobility through spinal extension. Pressing firmly into the palms, push the chest up away from the floor while drawing in the abs. Keep the tummy tight, pulling belly button in and keep neck neutral (don’t look up or jut the chin out). Do not let shoulder elevate towards the ears, draw the shoulders down your back for an even longer spine. There are many back extension exercises, but the cobra pose is simple and can be repeated over and over as needed. Exhale and you press up, inhale as you lower.



Back flexion exercises are particularly important for anyone with low back pain, or sciatic flare ups, as they tend to take pressure off the lower vertebrae. As seen in the photo, flexion exercises round the spine as you bend forward. Flexion exercises may not be for you if you already have a hyper rounded back or kyphosis. For most folks, however, spinal flexion is healthy and essential. Try sitting in a comfortable position, tucking chin to chest, and reaching elbows towards the floor and your draw your belly button in towards the spine. Hold for 30-60 seconds.



Spending prolonged hours seated, especially in a forward rounded position, like writing at a computer, is particulary damaging to our rotational mobility. This is because sitting while hunched tightens upper back muscles and compresses the low back joints. Twisting the spine lengthens the mid/upper back and relieves pressure on those lower joints. As seen in the photo, sit with one leg out straight and step the other foot over the straight leg, pulling the bent knee in towards you. Twist in the direction of the bent knee, looking behind you and hold. Don’t forget to repeat on the second side.

Seated Cat CowHere’s another great one for back mobility! Exhale as you tuck chin, draw navel in and round through the spine. Reverse by pulling chest forward arching the spine, looking up as you inhale.

Seated Cat Cow

Here’s another great one for back mobility! Exhale as you tuck chin, draw navel in and round through the spine. Reverse by pulling chest forward arching the spine, looking up as you inhale.

Child’s Pose Lengthen the spine with a child’s pose. Hips to heels, chest towards the floor, forehead down. If you have a tight lower back, this feel great. If you have tight hips, this may feel like work. Deep breaths, sinking deeper with each exha…

Child’s Pose

Lengthen the spine with a child’s pose. Hips to heels, chest towards the floor, forehead down. If you have a tight lower back, this feel great. If you have tight hips, this may feel like work. Deep breaths, sinking deeper with each exhale.


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